
安纳波利斯, 医学博士-今日, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources and 美国nited States Department of the 海军 in partnership with The Nature Conservancy (TNC), 自然保育基金, and 十大赌博正规老平台 announced the successful conservation of 318 acres in the Nanticoke Rural Legacy Area on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. With the acquisition of this conservation easement from a consenting landowner, 南焦乡村遗产区现在有超过24个,000英亩的保护土地.

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and 自然保育基金 as joint Sponsors of the Nanticoke Rural Legacy Area, 位于多切斯特县, negotiated with the landowner and presented the Eberspacher tract to the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Rural Legacy Program and 美国.S. 向海军申请获得该地产的保护地役权. Funding to purchase the Eberspacher conservation easement was provided by Maryland’s Rural Legacy Program, 美国.S. Department of Defense’s Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration (REPI) Program through 美国.S. 海军, and was leveraged with the contribution of private funds secured by 十大赌博正规老平台 from Mt. 古巴中心.


The conservation easement protects 318 acres that consists of 167 acres of prime agricultural land and 108 acres of 森林land, in which there are 42 acres of non-tidal wetlands as well as tidal wetlands along 1,400 linear feet of riparian buffer on the Middletown Branch that allow for wetland migration and adaptation. 总的来说,这个地役权提供了112英亩的生物多样性保护. Land protected by this easement is also within a 状态-designated Targeted Ecological Area and Green Infrastructure Hub in the Nanticoke River Watershed.

TNC prepared and completed “The Chesapeake Bay Lowlands” ecoregional assessment in 2002. 此次收购位于TNC的南焦河保护区内, 也是该评估确定的生态区域投资组合的一部分. TNC also completed a “Conservation Action Plan” for the Nanticoke River in the year 2000 and this easement acquisition also implements goals of that action plan.

该物业也在U.S. 海军航空, and its conservation will limit development that can be incompatible with the aircraft 测试 mission of the Atlantic Test Ranges and Naval Air Station Patuxent River.

“All naval aircraft are tested at Naval Air Station Patuxent River and in the surrounding ATR airspace, 这对军事准备至关重要. The Department of Defense REPI Program provides funding for military Services to share the cost of the acquisition of easements or other interests in land from willing sellers to preserve compatible land uses. It is a key tool for combating encroachment that can limit or restrict military training, 测试, 和操作. 通过保留开放空间,美国政府可以.S. 海军 ensures that flight operations occur without interference and that we can continue to meet our mission. We are grateful to the Eberspacher family and the project partners for supporting national defense through land conservation,约翰·布拉巴松船长说, 帕塔克森特河海军陆战队指挥官.

“This project demonstrates our success in engaging with local and federal partners to conserve and maintain the rural character and working landscapes of our 状态 for future generations,” Maryland Department of Natural Resources Secretary Jeannie Haddaway-Riccio said. “This is in large part due to Governor Hogan’s leadership in fully funded land conservation and preservation programs. 公共工程委员会批准了7500多万美元, 我们已经保护了超过27个,在他执政期间,土地面积达到了1000英亩.”


“The Eberspacher property is a diverse landscape made up of working agricultural fields, 森林, and wetlands supporting many native species and that will provide space for critical marsh habitats to migrate to in the future,伊丽莎白·卡特说, 马里兰州大自然保护协会的土地保护主任. “该项目是联邦政府之间如何合作的一个很好的例子, 状态, 非营利组织, and private partners can achieve landscape scale conservation success in the Nanticoke watershed. We are truly fortunate to have so many great partners working towards a shared goal of protecting this unique and important place on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.”

“Great conservation work like this does not happen without the dedication of the partners, 政府和非营利组织,比尔·克劳奇说。, 自然保护基金的马里兰州主任. “我们特别要感谢美国.S. 参议员本·卡丹和克里斯·范·霍伦以及奥巴马.S. Representative Andy Harris for their support for the REPI program, which is annually funded by 美国.S. 国会. The ecological and economic benefits that the Eberspacher property will secure for the Nanticoke River community will be enjoyed for generations to come.”

“今天,我们正在庆祝一个重大的保护成功故事, thanks to a strong partnership that bridges together government agencies and 非营利组织s, 土地所有者是关心环境的管理者,乔尔·邓恩说, 十大赌博正规老平台区的总裁兼首席执行官. “再一次,山. 古巴中心 was there to help us protect another high priority conservation project that will help improve water quality, 野生动物和本地植物的栖息地, 以及我们的生活方式留给子孙后代.”

“Mt. 古巴中心很高兴支持这一重要的保护项目. The 森林 on this property supports diverse plant and wildlife habitat including breeding and stopover habitat for migratory songbirds and raptors,安·罗斯说。, Mt. 古巴中心主席.